Personal Observatory Data

Capture credit:
Fundy Archipelago Observatory
Processing by Kyle Ingersoll

NGC 598

Spiral Galaxy

NGC 7000

Emission Nebula

NGC 772

Unbarred Spiral


NGC ???

Gallery Details

This gallery features images that were both captured and processed by our resident astrophotographer. This entails maintenance and setup of the equipment, as well as target planning and commanding of the equipment through control software. Once captured, the images are then calibrated, stacked, and post-processed to create the final results above.

Each of these images represents tens of hours worth of exposure time, and often times the processing phase can take multiple hours as well.

There is nothing like being outside on the island during a moonless night, with the Milky Way wrapped around the sky like a massive archway and more visible stars than you would want to try to count. It is easy to get lost trying to work out the scale of it all and trying to visualize how far away some of what you are seeing actually is.

It is easy to forget what is actually being achieved during imaging time. A camera capable of long exposures and a telescope are a potent combination under the night sky. We are lucky to be alive during a time where this combination of technology exists, and we can actually pull these hidden gems forward from the darkness.

So far, it has been a life-changing experience to have the privilege and ability to capture and process these images. We hope everyone enjoys this content and that it may inspire even one person to look up at night and wonder!