NGC 598

Messier 33, The Triangulum Galaxy

Capture Credit: Kyle Ingersoll & FAObservatory

Click image to pinch/zoom

Target Details

At a distance of approximately 2.73 million light years and containing roughly 40 billion stars, M33 is a spiral galaxy located behind the Triangulum constellation. It is possible this galaxy was discovered 100 years prior to Charles Messier’s independent discovery by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna.

This particular image of M33 contains exaggerated HII regions, visible as pinkish-red cloudy structures within the galaxy. These regions are emission nebulae, specifically ionized hydrogen. Boosting these regions yields a great visual representation of how these nebulae are arranged throughout other galaxies, as well as a breathtaking photograph.

Wait, what exactly is a galaxy in the first place? Well, they are essentially the largest “building blocks” of the universe. They contain everything that is smaller than them, from nebulae to stars, planets, moons, comets—you name it, it likely resides within a galaxy.

Click image for annotated version

Capture Details

This two panel mosaic represents 39.75 hours total exposure on target, through 5 individual filters as follows:

86 x 7 minute Luminance subs
54 x 14 minute H-Alpha subs
40 x 5.25 minute Red subs
40 x 5.25 minute Green subs
40 x 5.25 minute Blue subs
–14 flats for each filter, 21 darks, & 28 bias

All light frames were captured at scales of either 0.82”/pixel, or 1.68”/pixel with the camera sensor cooled to -15°celsius to reduce noise. Acquisition took place between the dates of 05/10/2021 & 07/11/2021. Full capture credit belongs to Fundy Archipelago Observatory.

Equipment Details

  • Name: Fundy Archipelago Observatoy
    Location: Grand Manan, NB, Canada
    Coordinates: 44.699038° N, -66.782410° W
    Elevation: 58.9 m

  • WO FLT-132 refractor (925mm focal length)
    WO 1x field flattener
    Atik One 9.0 integrated OAG (pick-off prism)
    Chroma LHRGB filter set

  • Avalon Linear German equatorial mount
    T-POD 130 tripod
    WO m92 field rotator
    3.5” Feather Touch R&P focuser
    WO clear Bahtinov mask

  • Atik One 9.0 monochrome CCD camera
    Atik GP planetary camera (guiding)
    PoleMaster assisted polar alignment camera
    Kendrick Astro Instumets DigiFire & USB/power hubs

    Avalon StarGo
    Cartes du Ciel